Friday, July 29, 2011

Beday Celebration.

On 27th of july, my beloved housemates dedicated a wonderful beday celebration for me! Yeayy! They bought me a cake and also did "baling tepung" at me. Hahaaa. What a mess I had but really valuable moment! Thank you so much housemates for remembering my birthday. I love you guyss <3
This is the cake they bought for me, it says "happy birthday ctkus, 19 years old, lovely housemate". Hahaaa. Its not so clear so I gotta translate :P 

And this is when I get the flour poured on me -.- Hahaaa THANKS girls! :P

This moment will never be forgotten!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

End of Mid-Sem Break :(

Oh please! I dont wanna go back to Perakk! Really I dont :( Pleaseee! Hold on to my legs, unpack my bags, then I'll be yours Kuala Lumpur. I wanna stay with youuuu. Dont wanna go back there! Uwaaaaaa :(

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Mid-Sem Holidays :)

Yeayyy! Sudah cutiiii. Tak sabar nak enjoy habis-habisan di KUALA LUMPUR!

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