Sunday, May 11, 2014

Race vs Religion

I see nowadays people love to relate a race and a religion in many matters/problems. If a person did something wrong, regardless whether he's malay, chinese or indian, their religions will always be the culprits of their acts. Why? Do you know that a race and a religion is totally two different things? Religion is what made by God. In my case, its what delivered by Allah swt. Its mainly about trust, faith, principle and etc. It is what u believe to guide u in life. To ease u when u're miserable and others. Race is a group of people that has same values such as skin color, language, culture and others. Thus, the term "race" itself obviously made up by human beings. Just to ease the clarification of groups of people since there are too many types of them. So, comparing a religion and a race, which is most easily to be inadequate or incomplete? Surely its a race because it is created by human. While religion is something created by God/Allah. If u blame a religion for the acts of its believers, r u saying that humans are greater than God? If so, why do u have a religion in the first place? So think about it people. Yes, i agree. Obviously everyone wants to say that their own religions is the truth etc. I understand that. But blaming other religions is not the way to correct mistakes and solve the problem. If u can have belief in ur God, why not others in theirs? So, from now on, try to respect others beliefs. I'm really waiting for the time where chinese, indians and malays can hang around with each other happily without looking at religions/cultures as barriers. I really do. One day, insyaallah.

Saturday, May 10, 2014


Hudud suddenly becomes a sensitive issue in Malaysia. Why? Because some people are against it and the people who want to stand for it being ignored. Kenapa susah sgt nak paham yang hudud tu wajib? Hudud tu dah ada dalam al-quran dari zaman nabi lagi, sebelum kita wujud lagi. Kalau tanak hudud, jgn baca al-quran! Jgn percaya apa yang ada dalam al-quran tu! Semuanya x betul! X match dgn zaman sekarang ni! Buang terus jauh2 al-quran tu dari hidup kita! Jangan solat, jangan puasa, jangan buat haji, jangan buat satu benda pun lah! Sebab? X sesuai dgn zaman kan?! Nak macamtu?! Maka gelaplah dunia kau, ibarat xde cahaya yang wujud. Sedarlah sikit diri tu menumpang di muka bumi Allah. Yang dah tua2 pun pertikaikan hudud. Pegi ngaji lagi dalam baru sembang la pacik macik. Bukan nak hina tp dah tau diri cetek ilmu tanak pegi belajar. Buat malu dgn budak2 muda yang lebih tau psl hudud. Yang muda2 pulak malas nak carik ilmu. Ceramah2 agama dipandang hina, dicela. Konsert2 dekat club, bar semuanya nak pegi. Benda yang tak patut dibuat dikejar2. Benda yang wajib ditolak2. Mmg dunia tu dah akhir zaman, xperlukan tanda lain lagi dah. Inilah tandanya. Bila yang batil menjadi haq, bila yang haq menjadi batil. Aku geram. Aku sedih sgt. Ramai yang masih sombong dan bongkak dgn Allah swt. Sedangkan Allah dah bagi apa yg kita nak, apa yang kita perlukan. Tapi masih jugak tak sedar diri. This is hudud we're talking about. Its an islamic law. Who is responsible for it? Muslims. Therefore, if christians/hindhus/buddhist dont accept it, i understand and i dont blame them. But if muslims themselves resist to perform it, well, you know who to be blamed! OURSELVES!

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