Monday, July 28, 2014

Its small but its still an effort.

Here's what i have to say to those who doesnt like people sharing news about Palestine. The reason people trying their best to always share news regarding Gaza is to create awareness for people who are still SLEEPING (especially muslims). The thing with us is that we would realize it now, when we see the pictures/news/statements but would forget it in just a split of second. Exposing gruesome pictures of children/women dying, bombed, killed is not for us to just watch and make fun of it or laugh our asses out. This is not the matter of privacy. Its for people to see whats really happening in Gaza. Do u think its easy to deal with any of the photos? I can tell u its not.  But its for us to think, that this damn genocide is really happening and to keep reminding ourselves that if we cant be there with them carrying weapons, being on the field facing the enemies, whats our strength? Prayers. If its just boring news/statements, do u think people would want to read it? I bet not, even only to look at it. & of course there are many ways to help the Gazans but why cant exposing/sharing the news/pictures be one of them? & How sure are u that these people are not doing anything other than sitting behind their computer screens? They may have contributed more than u did, they may have done things that u, urself cannot do. Think. As i said, u can have ur own way, so do others. & again, this is my opinion. Tanak tengok, jgn tengok. Tanak baca, jgn baca. No loss. People are sharing it not for u, but for those who are interested to know.
To those who are sharing, keep it up. Allah knows and we dont need anybody to judge as long as He does.

Selamat hari raya :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Kebenaran yang terselit dalam kebatilan.

Umat Islam diuji/dibalas hebat oleh Allah swt kerana apa?
Dia mahu membuka mata yang lama terlelap dibuai mimpi, menghentak kepala yang lama berkeras melalaikan diri, meruntuh jiwa yang lama terhibur dgn keseronokkan duniawi.

Masihkah kita tidak sedar?
Betapa kerapnya kita berpaling dariNya, mempersoalkan hukumNya, menidakkan ketentuanNya. Beriya-iya agamaNya dicanang walhal kosong didalamnya. Menyatakan cinta kepadaNya namun lekat di lidah semata mata.

Masihkah kita tidak segan?  Mendabik-dabik dada dengan kekayaan, kemewahan dan kekuasaan. Bersenang-senangan di mahligai syurga kononnya. Wang dijulang, kuasa disayang, mewah digenggam. Tanpa beringat dariNya kita datang.

Masihkah kita ingin tidur?
Sedang kita meratah kelalaian, menelan keseronokkan, menjunjung keduniaan, tanpa sedar, yang disangka-sangka kan pemberian, ternyata hanyalah ujian.

Pulanglah wahai saudaraku sekalian. Pulanglah. Yang disuruh kejar itu bukanlah dunia yang dusta, namun syurga Ilahi yang kekal abadi.

P/S: Gambar dekat atas tu hanyalah hiasan. Pray for Palestine, Syria, Rohingya, Africa, Egypt and other countries where muslims being abused/tortured/murdered.

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